the desert falls to night, the former hot air not frigid, and you can't help but shiver as you wander on. staring off into the endless desert, a reflection catches your eye, and you see a form making its way over the sands towards you, cantering. as it draws nearer, you make out an equine shape, blue and green mane flung back as it makes its way towards you.
she draws up before you, the moonlight running over her white coat, reflecting off of her mane. hanging around her neck is a small moon pendant on a silver chain. she smiles a greeting, lifting her head so that the desert wind carries her mane away from her face. she prances on silver hoofs, and tosses her head, before finally speaking. "Greetings traveller! I am Ka'lit, a Karina, from Sabaku Desert... Ka'rie is the plural, though. k?" at your nod, she beams, her lions tail flicking in the air behind her. she tilts her head at you, eyeing you, then blinks wide blue eyes. you get a little nervous, wondering what she wants. suddenly she smiles widely, and speaks again. "By any chance, traveller, have you seen either my sister or brother? We are triplets, we three..." she flips her tail through the air, and you notice three rings around it. "We each wear these, to show our kinship." she tilts her head, smiling brightly at you. "well, I'll see you later, then, traveller! I'm gonna go see if anyone has any strawberries at the oasis!" she turns and lopes off, leaving you a bit dazed at her sudden exit. you hear a slight laugh from behind you, and turn to see another Karina, this one a midnight black stallion.
he watches you calmly, a faint smile on his face, and dips his head. "I am Ze'layne...." he glances after Ka'rie and smiles. "We have both recently joined a Spectrum, a herd of our kind... The Spectrum of Dancing Winds." and then he canters off over the desert. you look around you, at the desert spanning around you. the mountains loom up against the horizon. you pick a direction and start to walk.