A. Enders

**"The beauty, the glory, of the heavens are the stars...."

Elae glances back as she notices you following her, and her mouth creases in a slight frown. "yes?" you blink and explain quickly that you are just wandering around. she nods, shrugging slightly. "enjoy, stranger..." a smile. "I should probably tell you of myself, in case the creatures residing here speak of me, and you will understand." you nod, that sounds good, and she smiles and begins. "i am called Elae in this existance, and this realm knows me by it. i am a shapeshifter, able to change to cat form or human at will. 14 years young, birthday is May 20th, year of the Tiger." she winks. "any gifts appreciated." she pauses a moment, thinking, then continues. "when not on the 'net, I love to read. currently I am reading random titles, no certain series. I also love to read/watch/attempt to draw anime (RANMA! TENCHI!), and love ElfQuest, a graphic novel series. I strongly recommend it to any comic reader. If you wish to contact me, with comments, concerns, or critique, I have AIM, Elae111, and ICQ, 61008320, while my email is elaemycrea@hotmail.com." she smiles, nodding her head to you. "Is that what you wished to know?" at your nod, she gives a grin, suddenly a bit hyper. "And if anyone asks... I'm the crazy one." she laughs and walks off, leaving you there. you look around, then start back to the ruins.

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