you wander on, automatically following a small trickle of water. it leads you on through the frozen mountains high around you, flowing around them. the harsh snowfall that had seemed to be following you begins to slow to a stop. you start to pick up pace, trudging along next to the thin stream. the flow of water seems to grow wider, and suddenly you are over a smaller mountain looking down. below you a frozen lake stretches out, the ice surface a shimmering blue/white, the moonlight reflecting against it. you blink and glance up, actually realizing that night has fallen, and the only light is from the moon and stars. you shiver at the lack of the sun's heat, and glance around once more. the lake is centered between a circle of mountains, small in size, but still much larger than you'd like. at the edge of the lake is a small set of caves, dark in the mountain side. you walk closer to the lake, and notice small holes dug through the ice, the water showing through. suddenly there's a splashing, and a head appears from one of the holes, mewing. it pulls itself out of the water, then blinks at you. another form moves up behind it, and you see it is a large grey wolf.

his eyes reflect the moonlight, dark and light at the same time. he flicks his tail and blinks slowly. you stand still and watch. finally the grey wolf nods slightly, a faint smile on his face. "Good greets, traveller... I am Padarok, or Gift." he smiles slightly. "I was a gift for Elae's birthday, from Lenore." Padarok smiles again, his green eyes ever watchful. the other form steps out, watching you.

each purple paw sinks into the snow. it flicks one ear, and you see horns behind them. Padarok nods. "Olsto..." the creature nods his head. "Meet Olsto'Epocha, Dusk Sky. A Snowcat from Typatha Mount." Olsto purrs and pads over to you, butting his head against your hand for attention. Padarok gives a light laugh and steers him away, back towards the caves. "Forgive me, traveller. Its almost dawn." he winks, the nocturnal kitten bounding ahead of him, and disapears into the caves. you watch after them for a moment, then stare back out over the lake. as you do, you spot another Snowcat, this one looking down into her reflection in the ice.

she glances up as you approach, and smiles. "Hello. I am Azula'Ikan'Ap'Epocha, Red in the Sky. Second Snowcat to find my home here." she looks out over the ice and waters, then dissapears into the cave as well. you blink, and wander around the icy edge of the lake.