you shiver as you step out into the full blast of the wind again, and quickly scan the area around you, wondering to yourself. only a bleak white horizon meets your gaze, canyon walls stretching up on either side, and you sigh and make your way through, shivering. the air seems to whirl slightly, and you blink, glancing around again. the wind continues to pick up, and you see no source, as it starts to whirl around you in a spiral. you are chilled to the bone, the cold wind surpassing even your numbness. you lift your eyes to the sky, squinting as the wind whips around you, and see a blue blur, swirling with the wind, high above you. as you stare at it, it begins to take form, another Bryar Wolf... blue! his face has a set expression of concentration, but his mouth is curved in a smile. in one paw, he holds a long thin wooden staff/spear, each end sharpened to a deadly point. he seems to use it to direct the wind, a faint gesture with a tip, and the wind picks up, howling even louder. you stare up at the Bryar, until slowly he stops spiraling, and the winds do as well. when they come to a complete stop, the air seems to resound with the echo of the wind's distant howling. you shake your head to clear it of that howling, and then look up to the blue Bryar, to see him open his eyes. he glances down and sees you, blinks, then flies down and lands in front of you, blue wings folding back, spear in hand.
he watches you, then nods his head slightly. "Hey. I'm Ta'Ver-de, Eagle. Call me Ta'." you blink at Ta', then curiously ask about the wind display. he grins slightly, "The airspirits've always fav'red me, ever since I was a lit. Most lits couldnt fly... but I could. No one can match me in the air." you wonder at his words, and he grins again. "F'r example, I can call up windstorms, hurricanes, or just a slight breeze. Or...." his eyes spark mischieviously, and you hear a faint cracking of ice, and turn to see icicles along the canyon walls shaking, trembling. and then, suddenly, they are flying straight at you. you wince away, certain you are about to be killed, but each icicle lands, point first, into the snow, circling you. you shiver, then stare back up at the blue Bryar, who just grins again. "Or I could do that. Its all a matter of control." he doesnt say anything more, but you get the idea that he's hiding more than he showed you, a lot more. he grins, the spark in his eyes, and watches you. you begin to edge away, quickly thanking Ta' for the show, and he just grins, baring his teeth in a smile. you edge away even farther at that, afraid of what he could do in ~combat~. finally he just shakes his head, and springs up into the air, spear still in his paw. you watch him take off into the air, then start walking again, into the snow....