you step into the edge of the rainforest, large trees towering over
you, tropical birds singing as they dart invisibly above you. flowers
bloom, splashes of color and scent in the humid air. you peer around
you, above you, and step inward once more. the whisper of feathers
ruffling comes from around you, and you pause. a pair of eyes peer out
at you from amongst the trees, then a large gryphon steps out. a long
tail swishes behind her calmly, as she watches you with curiosity. her
wings are folded against her coat, a jaguars color. her face and forehead
are decorated with bright feathers, apparently her other half is a parrot
of some sort. she parts her beak in greeting, then speaks, her words
slightly slurred, but understandable.
"Welcome to the Rainforest...."
She falls silent again, then motions to a path, so you may continue on
your way.



Gryphon (C) me, Elae. i drew her. do not steal.