you walk farther on, then through the trees hear the distant sound of music being played... you head towards it, and come out into a small clearing, 60s music blasting from... nowhere, it seems, and a dancing form in the center.

a voice sings along, and you see another creature standing a little ways off. you watch, surprised, as the creature before you twirls and leaps, dancing to the music. finally the song ends, and the dancer creature stills, and notices you. "'ey. Peace, man." he bobs his head and grins, the peace medallion around his neck swinging as he does. the singer comes up behind him, and nods her head, smiling. "like he said."

"I'm Disco. Far out, dontcha think?" the stallion continues bobbing his head, while the other rolls her eyes and smiles again. "And I'm Diva. We're Leagi, from Pragrosi Rainforest..." she glances around. "My daughter is in a nearby clearing... along with Shiroi's..." she notices your glance and grins. "Not ours, Disco's and mine. My mate is Malchav... Disco's is Kindling Flame. Shiroi's and my daughter were born within days of each other, and decided they wanted to live off in their own part of the rainforest." the music starts up again, and the stallion immediately starts to dance once more. Diva smiles faintly, then begins to sing again.