you step carefully forward, then pause, staring around yourself. tall trees tower above you, their leafy branches blocking the sunlight. only a few of the thin rays of light escape through to the ground on which you stand, and reflect around. the light dances around on the dirt floor, the color staying a pure brilliant white, sending small streaks of other colors out. the green of your surroundings wrap around you in the humid air of the rainforest, barely the thin hint of a breeze. you stare around yourself with wide eyes, taking in the sight of your surroundings. bright flashes of colors in the trees above are followed by the cheerful warble of tropical birds, singing and chirping. you rest back against one large tree trunk, and stare outward. the trees circle around you in a large spiral, expanding. at first glance everything looks the same, but as you stare outward, you notice slight differences. a blossoming flower, bright against the dark surroundings, pushes upward towards the feeble light that streams through. a small pool of water escapes around you in a small stream, the shade of the trees above giving it a darker light. the labyrinth of trees seems to lead off, and you stare outward still. you lean back against the tree, and close your eyes in the peace. to the sound of birds singing around you, you doze off.
you are awoken by a shrill chirp, and jerk into awareness. you blink, and tilt your face upward. there above you is the source of the chirp, and as you stare up, red eyes glance down, the light catching them. the eyes do not blink, and you still yourself, thinking quickly. before you have a chance to do anything, though, the eyes lift, then in a flash of purple, the creature is in front of you.

a medium sized purple creature, wyvern in structure, perches before you on a fallen tree. the muzzle/beak fades away into a bright blue, and a red frill falls back along the creatures neck. the red eyes stare onward, unblinking, straight at you. it cocks its head once more, then preens a wing a moment, the feathers the same striking red as the frill. you blink again, unable to move from your position back against the tree. the creature seems to know that, and takes its time watching you. a form peers out from behind it, and watches you with curious eyes.

finally the creature gives a shrill whistle, raising the hair on the back of your neck, and chirps in a strange vocabulary of clicks and light, airy whistles. as you do nothing, the creature seems to become a bit impatient, and ruffles its wings, balancing itself from one foot to the next. finally it whistles once more, a striking note that quiets the birds for a moment, then flies into the air. the form steps out of the shadows, a pure white main falling over her orange coat, frayed in the wind. her ears flick to and fro, and she stares up at you then finally utters a quiet "Nis'ri..." and turns and dissapears. when the guardian creature lands, you see that it is on a large stone, covered in a damp moss. brushing some of it away, you see words appear, in the same way the runes did, swirling together into order. you stare at it a moment, reading the words. Lands of Fate. you blink once, as the runes shimmer in the shadows, a portal. you watch a moment longer, than walk off into your surroundings, the creature's red eyes following your departure.

Name: Yokoshima
Age: Adult
Number: *28*
Species: Teinalken
Gender: Female
Wings: D, n
ForeFeet: D*, A
HindFeet: A, A
Tail: c*, c*
Spines: n, n
Mane: S*, G

Lands of Fate