you look down into the depths of the water, and as you do, it seems to get closer, filling your field of vision. you can't seem to pull your eyes away from the glimmer of the water. suddenly you look up, and find yourself surrounded by the water, deep. you struggle for breath, and kick, trying to get back up to the surface. you can't seem to reach it, the faint light of the sun retreating with every strained stroke you take. you close your eyes, exhausted, your air almost out, and drift down....
when you awake, you are in a small cave, deep in the underwater caverns. you blink, slowly, and look around. the smooth stone floor is empty, and as you get to your feet, you look for any sign of anything. finally your drifting gaze falls on a small crack, where the wall meets floor. you peer into it, and your eyes fall on a small shell, hidden there. you pull it out carefully, and look at it.
you turn it over, running your fingers gently along its spiked surface, then gently set it down again in its little notch. the empty shell fits back easily, and you stare at it a moment longer, then turn. at the edge of the cave is the water. you look down into it, and see nothing, it is too deep to see bottom, here. the dark water is almost black, right now, a deep, deep blue. the thin rays of light from above glimmer through the water, sending it reflecting and retracting around you. you stare out, a bit awed at how deep you are, but so far from the bottom. you glance down once more, and see something. it swims closer and closer, and you stare. finally it surfaces in the small overhang of the cave.
the front of it is an irridescent green. paws beat slowly at the water to keep it in place, and it turns its head to face you. frilled ears take in your every sound, and you meet its black eyes. the fur of its front seems to be water-proof, thin and easy to swim with. the finned tail is scaled, blue with the same irridescence of the fur. you get the idea that this must be the guardian of the waters. suddenly a voice fills your mind. ~You are correct. I am the guardian of all of the waters of A. Enders. You may continue on through the waters, but do not steal anything or anyone from here. I am always watching you, here.~ you nod quickly, then blink. continue... through the waters? it seems to notice your confusion. ~Do not worry. while you slept a spell was performed on you, to enable you to breath as we do, underwater.~ you look a bit uneasy at that, can you really trust it? but its the guardian... you'll have to try. you take a breath, more for reassurance than actual need, and dissapear into the water.