the wind whirls around you, and leaves scatter at your footsteps.
the red, orange, gold colors blend in with the greens and browns of the
forest. as your gaze falls to the forest floor, you see the faint touch of
hoofs and pawprints, scattered across. the song of birds dies down, and
you here a sharp click over your shoulder. you whirl and look around you,
but nothing is different. the noise comes again, and your eyes travel
upward into the leafy branches. a pair of eyes are fixed on your own, and
you take an involuntary step back. the disappear back into the trees, and
you look around, wondering to yourself. when nothing happens, and the bird
calls start up again, you relax, peering around. the trees tower above you,
vines and ivy wrapping around them, leaves spread.

you look around once more, then set off aimlessly into the forest.