you wander farther into the woods, and wonder where you are. no signs of anything reveal any hints or clues to your location, so you wander on. finally you come to a break in the trees, and there see a large shape. it turns to face you, and you blink, and watch.

black and white are set at angles all across the creature, and it blinks once, then steps closer to you, flicking a long white cat tail behind it. "Hello? Who are you? I am Yalishara, call me Yali. A Kearu'Nami." she smiles a greeting, and her white mane falls over her back, a single black bead holding it together. "I am not the only Kearu'Nami here, though..." at that moment, another shape walks slowly up to you, eyeing you curiously.

she speaks as well. "I am Storm, second 'nami of A.Enders." Storm is fully grey, long ears fallen back, eyes sad. her tail, a bright red lions tail, is the only color on the two 'Nami's, and you talk to them for a little while longer, before Storm and Yali bid you farewell and wander off. you stare around, then pick a direction at random, and walk.