You struggle over a fallen tree, and land on the other side, carefully sidestepping a large thorn bush. Flowers hidden in the sharp points grow upwards, towards the light. A pool of water draws you nearer, and you see the sun shining through cracks of the trees leaves. It reflects off of the surface of the water, right into your eyes, and you stand there blinking, trying to get rid of the spots, for a few moments. In those few moments, eyes follow your every movement, and paw prints surround you. Slowly a small, blue, wolf like creature emerges, and sniffs your hand slowly. It paws at the ground around your feet, still silent, then darts back over near the water, slowly taking a drink while watching you.
Elae, perched up in a tree, jumps down softly to the ground next to you, staring after the shy creature.
"That was Rain. Or, at least, thats what we call her. Her true name is unpronouncable. She's an Elemental, from Coyol, of the Water Element." You nod and look after the small Elemental, who seems to have disappeared back into the woods. you decide to continue onward through the forest.