you step into the grasslands and look around. flowers blossom all around you, different colors and types spreading petals towards the sun. you crouch to touch a fingertip to a petal of one nearest you, then stand up, wondering to yourself. the wind blows over the grass around you, rippling over the top. you watch the effect for a moment, then start walking. soon you reach a small meadow, blossoming with flowers, spread throughout the place. you stare a moment, watching.
bright petals unfold, and you recognize a few of the flowers. Gilias, MorningGlory. each one thriving in the grasslands you are in. you watch a moment longer at the flowers, then look around. over a small crest in the grass, you think you see a sign of movement, and start in that direction. another look around shows the edge of the rainforest to the side.