you stumble through the tall grass, when abrubtly are stopped by a sharp snort. a tiny horse-like creature trots out, a lions tail swishing behind it, and you stare at it. her white coat is speckled with purple, blue stockings on her legs. her mane and the tuff of her tail are the same bright green, and her ears flicker forward than back in your direction. "Lar, lenca...." you blink. she speaks? but not in any language you know. she watches you a moment longer, then gives a shake of her head, turning to trot off. she glances back, and you carefully follow the small creature. you reach a small dip in the grass, the land curving, and here she pauses, before turning back to you, to speak once more. "I am Nayah'kali, Rain's Child. I am a Myon, the first to come to A. Enders, from Vah'se'kahra." she watches you, then speaks. "My mate is Tohn'se'tote'lach, a more handsome stallion there never was." she smiles at this, and you nod to her words, readily agreeing with the tiny Myon. she silences again, and you think all this through, before she tilts her head upward, then calls out to the tall grass. "Come, it is safe..." you have no time to wonder about this, before another small horse-like creature, the size of your thumb, steps forward. her dark navy blue coat stands out in the pale grasslands, a maroon mane and tail being played with by the breeze. she nods her head shyly, and speaks so quietly you are not sure you hear her words. "Hello, traveller..... I am Feye, Fire Eyes. I am a Ja'alek, from Corsage Meadows." she watches you a moment longer. "I am from the wild Covey, the Wonder of Earth Covey, though I have not joined any, nor have chosen a mate." she gives a hesitant smile, then darts back into the shelter of the tall grass surrounding you. Kali just nods her head, then follows after the Ja'alek. you watch them leave, and see another small shadow standing in the grass, watching you. finally it steps forward and you see another Ja'alek, a stallion this time. he nods his head slightly. "I am Unilin, Unicorn Like. Of the wild Covey Thunder Blast." he nods then turns and dissapears, following the Myon and the other Ja'alek. you glance around, then start walking once more through the grasslands.