a girl walks up to you, dark hair reflecting in the poor light, a single streak of purple tucked behind her left ear. golden eyes watch you curiously, slited as cats eyes are. when she speaks, her voice is quiet, barely over a whisper, but winds around you. "Welcome, traveller, I am Elae, guardian of this place... of A. Enders. Land of the true hopes, and dreams." A. Enders... that must be the land which you have come to. she speaks again, not moving her gaze from your own. "I warn you, stranger. A. Enders is under my guardianship, take nothing that is not your own. Drawings that are scattered around the many lands here are (C) to those who drew it, and on those pages I list who has drawn them. Guardians of the separate lands were drawn as gifts for myself and A. Enders, or I have drawn them myself. Do Not Steal. anything. Creatures have come to A. Enders for homes are (C) as well, go to their original places they came from, to see if you yourself may foster one. Don't take mine. I have worked very hard on this land, shaping it. Any disturbance may cause mishaps, and slow down the progress that is made. Backgrounds and sets I have links to their origins, if known; though some I myself have made." she silences, watching you with gleaming eyes, then asks if you understand. you nod. Elae watches you a moment longer, then walks away, flicking one ear slowly back. you blink and wonder if you should follow.... |
**Sirach 43, 9