the cold wind dies around you, small tuffs of snow swirling in your footsteps, and you pause, and shiver slightly. you are climbing up the steep slope of a mountain, each step colder as you go higher. you catch your breath, thankful that the altitude has not affected you yet. pine trees tower up over you, closing you in. you stare upward, and a pair of owlish eyes blink open to meet your gaze, before it turns away from you. you take another step forward, and almost stumble. a startled rabbit looks up from the snow, its winter coat blending in perfectly with the surroundings. it bounds off quickly, leaving tiny imprints in the snow. suddenly there's a burst of snow, and a quick green blur goes chasing after the rabbit. it glances back, nose quivering, then leaps away, bounding through the snow. the blur goes dodging by you in a swirl of snow and wind, then crouches mid-run, and leaps after the rabbit. as the snow settles, you see the rabbit darting down a hole, the shape that raced by you now standing, staring down at its paws. it slowly lifts one paw, then, finding nothing but snow, lifts the other. its eyes widen slightly, and its wolfish posture slouches, as it sits, shoulders slumped. suddenly it swivels its head towards you, ears perked forward, and blinks, staring curiously at you.

she blinks slowly, and flicks her long tail, mostly wolf in structure, save that. a small tuff of fur at the end, bright red, strikingly contrasts to the green coat. her back is a yellow and black pattern, a black outline, branching off, with yellow drifting over. two small purple bands decorate her tail, and she stares at you with bright eyes. suddenly she grins slightly and comes over to you. "'ello!" her eyes dance with silent laughter, and she flicks her tail. "I'm JanTek." another grin. "Only Tufta of the area!" you blink, Tufta? JanTek grins slightly, then flicks an ear. "A mix between cat, wolf, and horse, approximately." she smiles slightly, a half grin, then whirls, and dashes away through the snow. you stare after her. after a moment, you look around, and see a small stream through the mountains, then attempt to see past the mountains that loom around you, but succeed only in seeing a flash of the desert that the mountains overshadow.

SonTag X Nat'Hit
Wolf personality(most likely)

Head: d,d
Body: c,c
Hindlegs: d*,d*
Forelegs: D,D
Element: f*, E*
Mutation: N,N