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you walk on, musing quietly to yourself, when the soft sound of chimes winds through the trees, softly fading away. you stare out, wondering, when there is a flash of color, and your attention is caught by darting shadows. a form moves closer, dancing in the wind, flowers streaming out behind it. you silently watch, not moving, as the figure moves closer. hoofs touch the ground, then are off again, as the shadows spin. bright eyes flash open and meet your own, then suddenly she is in front of you, prancing.
she tosses her head and whickers, flicking her tail behind her, which resembles a wolf tail. her white mane dances without her, the wind carrying it, flowers trailing from her horn(s). another flower hangs around her neck, on a large ribbon, a light blue. her lift hind leg has another decoration on it, a large anklet. she smiles, eyes bright, and prances once more, her deer hoofs barely touching the ground. her dark coat blends in with the shadows around you, but her every movement, delicate and wild at the same time, keeps your eyes on hers. almost shyly, she flicks an ear, her mane rippling out behind you, and speaks. "Greetings... I am Chandra, my name means moon, or moonlike." she smiles, her bright eyes on your own. "I am a Mith'P'San, the first to come to A. Enders...." her tail flicks in the air behind her, and she gives a slight happy toss of her head. there is a flash of gold, and another, younger looking Mith'P'San prances in front of you.
"Hello! I am Hyei'Zephyr, Bright Dancer." she smiles, the darts away once more. with a small bow-like gesture, Chandra lifts her head, and says quietly, "I will be going. The wind never leaves, but the song is now, alive. Farewell." with that, she turns and dances away, the chimes following her, surrounding her. the wind, her music. you watch a moment longer, then glance down, at a single flower growing at your feet. it blossoms, the colors spreading, and you give a slight smile, then move on down the path.