you wander down the path, glancing around, but see nothing except the tree's surrounding you. deep in the forest, you pause, paranoid for a moment, there's no one to hear you scream. you give a wicked grin, finding the better side to that, and yell as loud as you can. suddenly there's a crashing in the trees above you, and something swoops down right over your head. you huddle down and when you look up again, a white shadow is hovering in front of you, large purple wings steadily beating the air around it.
a long lions tail lashes behind it, and you get the idea you just awoke it from its mid-morning nap. you take a step back from the small but angry creature, thinking that perhaps that yell wasn't such a great idea. some people ---creatures--- can't take a joke. the white, feline like creature in front of you perches on a low branch and glares at you. you think a moment. this creature is so tiny it could easily perch on your shoulder, what do you have to fear from it? you are about to say such to the unknown creature in front of you, when it cuts you off with a chitter, and flicks its tail in annoyance. you fall silent. its tiny white head seems to be looking off to the side, and you glance over to see what its looking at. something glints out at you from under some winding ivy. you blink, and the unknown creature calmly chirps once and perches on your shoulder, directing you to where the glint came from. you pull back the ivy and reveal a small plaque, reading:
Home for a Frondari from the Nameless Forest. |
you blink and wonder what exactly a Frondari could be, and glance around. in the shadows of a tree, you see a from, quietly watching you. as it sees you notice it, it falls farther back into the shadows, visibly shy. you walks slowly over to her, and when you reach the shadows you see a black mare, delicate, and quiet. she watches you from under her white mane, then smiles shyly. her white wings are folded along her back, and her lions tail flicks slightly as she watches you. you smile in return, and finally the mare steps out.
her silky white mane falls over her eyes, and she gives a light toss of her small head. she starts to speak, her voice young and lilting in the air. "Hello, traveller...I am Moonlight Fearing Silent Darkness. You may call me Moon, if you wish." she smiles, shyly, and you smile and nod back. she ducks back into the shadows, and stands, watching you. you watch her a moment longer, then glance up. the small unknown creature chirps quietly down at you, knowingly, and you wince, realizing you probably shouldn't have yelled... you take one last glance towards the peacefully sleeping Moonlight, then continue through the trees.
Home for a Frondari from the Nameless Forest.
Name: Moonlight Fearing Silent Darkness
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