"Heyla, who are you?!" a canine-like creature, peers at you, prancing on large paws. she grins and interupts you before you can answer. "I'm Sandrunner! I'm a Kartyn'dyryso, from here!" she paws at the air, then bounds away, glancing back at you to ask, "well, come on if you want to see the denn!" you blink, then take after the quickly sprinting Dyryso, wondering. Sandrunner darts over a hill, and drops from sight, and you race to catch up with her and find out where she went. when you reach her point of disappearance, you see hole dug deep into the ground. on closer inspection, it reveals itself to be a denn! you muse silently, thinking that this must be the denn that Sandrunner had told you of. but where did she go? suddenly Sandrunner reappears, and gives a joking grin. "sorry 'bout that!" then turns and peers into the denn, giving a laughing scold. "Silvergilder, c'mon!" you blink. Silvergilder? your answer comes soon enough. a lightly shaded golden face peers shyly out, blinking large eyes, a small smile on her face. suddenly there's an explosion of fur, as another dyryso rams into Silvergilder, and they both go tumbling out into the open.

Silvergilder grins, rolling down a ways, then hopping up to pounce the other, in their friendly game of tag. Sandrunner watches proudly, and you watch her. She notices your look, and nods, beaming. "Yes, my daughter, Silvergilder! Her father is Skyleaper..." at that she blushes, pleased, and you smile. suddenly the other dyryso freezes, ears flickering back slightly, and she turns to face you, red eyes a bit wary. finally she speaks, "'lo... i'm Earthflame." Silvergilder grins encouragingly, then darts in, tagging her hard in the side with her nose. Earthflame blinks, grins, then quickly turns away and tackles Silvergilder again, making her eep in laughter. the two bestfriends roll off, locked in combat, and you peer after them, then back to Sandrunner. "Um, yes... Earthflame is kind of wary around strangers." you nod, you'd noticed! a quiet nudge to your leg, and you peer behind you. another Dyryso peers up at you with distant eyes, giving a quiet smile and nod. she steps back, then sits, wrapping her long tail around her paws.

Sandrunner nods in greeting, smiling as always. "Meet Earthdreamer..." Earthdreamer nods in quiet assent, and smiles as well. her ears flicker, and her eyes wander past you to the two others. she shakes her head slightly, though a small smile plays across her brown muzzle. a silver-grey form peers out from around her, eyes on you. then steps out curiously.

she gives a hesitating grin at you, then darts away. you watch the five of them, Sandrunner, Silvergilder, Earthflame, Earthdreamer, and the kitten, with slight amusement. looking around, you decide to continue along the path.



Name: Sandrunner
Gender: Female
Parents: ~unknown~
Mate: Skyleaper
Children: Silvergilder
Pic as a kitten:

Name: Silvergilder
Gender: Female
Parents: Skyleaper x Sandrunner
Mate: *shyly* no...
Children: no...
Pic as a kitten:

Name: Earthflame
Gender: Female
Parents: Pawcharmer x Earthwatcher
Mate: *wary glance*
Children: *fur bristles*
Pic as a kitten:

Name: Earthdreamer
Gender: Female
Parents: Earthdenner x Flamedasher
Mate: *shakes her head slightly*
Children: *again*
Pic as a kitten: N/A

Name: _____
Gender: Female
Parents: Sephirothslash X Twilight
Mate: No!
Children: No!
Pic as a kitten: