You wander off the path, looking around. The wind plays through the trees, and you look upward to catch a glimpse of the sky through the tree tops. A small pegasus foal flys up to great you, tilting his head as he does. His coat is green, small feathered wings the same shaded color. A blue tail wavers in the air behind him, and his short mane falls into his eyes. He whickers, whirling in the air.
He grins and swoops around you. "Hello, I am Earth Dance! My parents are Painted Sky and Clover Sky!" He laughs and lands on the grass, nearly blending in. "I was fostered from DarkWing!" He gives a small prance, and flutters his young wings easily. Suddenly he blinks and looks as if he's trying to remember something. "Um..." he fidgets slightly, "Oh, we're hoping for a Forintie! Yup! I'd watch over it! Forintie have crystal horns, and hoofs, and a jewel somewhere on their body! Unless they have a mutation!" He nods, pleased with himself for remembering. With that, the foal canters off, racing through the grass.... You glance around again, then return to the path.