The snow blows around you, and you sigh, continuing towards the mountains. Nothing but snow surrounds you, the trees thick with it. You stare around you, beginning to grow a bit exasperated with the endless white, and you sigh, trudging dutifully on. The mountains rise in front of you, never ending towers of snow. You sigh, looking around again. A small creek is frozen over, and you turn, beginning to follow it, as it goes towards the mountains. The sides grow more rocky, slippery with ice, and you bite your lip, than decide you'll have to take the creek. Its shores are wider now, more of a small river, and though the ice is thick beneath you, you can see the water flowing. You take a breath, then step on to it. It doesn't crack beneath your weight, and you calm slightly, making your way down it. You large, furred boots are clumbsy, but you feel like you can make it. You step onward, more sure of yourself, not noticing the faint echoing thunder around you, and that the water below you is speeding up. You reach a small bend in the river, and stop, awed. The ice covering the river spikes off downstream, reaching towards the sky in a jagged crystal formation. The thundering is louder, and you peer towards the spikes. Suddenly the ice below you cracks under your weight, and you flail around for a minute, trying to keep your balance. You jump forward, but the crack follows you, keeping up with your pace. You give a slight yelp, for you've reached the spikes! Its a waterfall! You back away, nervous now. The sides of the river raise high above you. You'd never reach safety like that! You swoon, just as the ice gives way.....

When you wake again, you open your eyes with a groan, and stare upward. A face peers down at you, wolfish in shape, but intelligence sparks in the eyes.

She bares her teeth in a grin as you stare at her. You tremble slightly, noticing the sword strapped to her back; she looks like she could use it. War paint decorates her along her legs, tail, and wings, as well as her face. Ram horns circle back around her face, and her ears flicker forward. Her wings are fanned out slightly, and she tilts her head at your gaze. "What is it?" You start as she speaks to you, surprised. She grins again, batting a paw at the ground. Suddenly a thought strikes you. She looks like Manowari! From The Bryar's Canyon! You tentively ask her, and she grins. "Yea... You must have met my mum. Oh, I'm Wea'ver-de by the way." She grins as she introduces herself. You blink. Her mother? That makes sense... Their personalities differ so much, though... Manowari was so quiet. This one in front of you looks much more outgoing. You blink confusedly for a minute or two, then slowly stand, clutching your head. You suddenly remember. "Hey... what about-" "The waterfall? Well, I'd been flying around, looking for Wyld." she smiles slightly, eyes lightening as she watches you, and her voice softens, "My mate." she watches you, a small half-smile on her face. She smiles again, and goes on. "So I brought you back here with me." You look around to see where 'here' might be, a small cave sheltered from the snow fall, an opening at the end.

Your attention is brought to the long sword strapped against her back.... She notices your gaze, and peers back at it. "You wondering about this?" At your nod, she gives a slight grin, along with another shrug. "Wyldie- Erm, Wyld, gave it to me a while ago, when I was still a lit. Its a Talen, a sword with a spirit in it. Its name is Tealis." She nods, lifting it out of its sheath with one paw. "It helps with fighting... Though I don't use it that often." Another shrug. "I'm sure you can guess why. I mean, after the Dark Wars....?" Another shrug, and a tight smile. You nod, peering at the sword, Tealis. She twists and places it back in its black sheath, carefully, yet not clumbsily with her large paws. You blink at that, but she seems used to it. Wea'ver-de sits down, peering at you, then finally nods slightly, saying quietly. "Wait here..." You nod, wondering why, but say nothing and watch as she pads back slowly into the shadows, and you hear two voices, one Wea'ver-de's and the other... unrecognizable. Wea'ver-de seems to be trying to convince the voice to come out, and after a short while, she steps back out of the shadows, a part of the shadows trailing behind her. As she comes up to you once more, you see that the shadow is really another Bryar Wolf lit, black in coloring, eyes distant. The lit pauses as she sees you, and looks back up Wea'ver-de pleadingly. Wea'ver-de just motions with one paw, and the lit sighs and steps up in front of her, leaning back against her. Wea'ver-de meets your eyes, her own happy and light, and nudges the lit forward a step.

she stares down, gold streaked bangs falling over her eyes, then slowly lifts her head to meet your gaze. her quiet eyes meet your own, and you see something there, almost as if a memory, but it is gone before you can grasp it. her warpaint is a deep purple against her black coloring, her belly and hindpaws a soft white and her tail twice ringed white. she blinks and looks down again, a soft greeting emerging. "Hullo..." she glances back at Wea'ver-de, who nods and smiles encouragingly. the lit glances upward at you, and retreats a step. Wea'ver-de nudges her softly behind her ear, and the lit smiles weakly, before glancing from you back to her and asking, "May I go visit GreatAunt Angel?" Wea'ver-de's smile fades before she nods once. "You know you bring back memories from her, so if she begins to remember too much, return home right away, ok?" The lit nods, "I know mother..." You blink and glance from the lit to Wea'ver-de. Wea'ver-de smiles slightly as she sees your look, and nods. "My daughter, Dreaym. Her twin sister, Mirror, is staying with their father, Wyld." the lit, Dreaym, glances up at you, and you see the same gesture as her gold bangs fall over her eyes once more, echoed in her mother's stance. you smile and nod, and Wea'ver-de smiles as well, before nudging her daughter once more. "If you are going to go, Dreaym, you'd better get started. Its a long way by foot." Dreaym nods again. "I know," and turns and pads out into the snow.

You look back to Wea'ver-de, who nods once more, before speaking. "Well, you seem better... I guess you'll want to go back out?" She gives you a faintly impish smile. "Don't worry. If you don't follow the rivers, you won't come to the waterfalls. Follow my logic?" You nod and grin in return, then stand and make your way towards the snow outside, where Dreaym had dissapeared to as well. As you do, you notice a small path hidden in the snow, and walk through the snow towards the snowpacked path.



Background from Roxy's Renditions