you wander through the trees, wondering where you'll end up. suddenly you pause, noticing the absolute quiet of the area around you. hesitating, you step forward, right onto a stick. it snaps, the quiet sound echoing loudly. you freeze, then jump and run as fast as you can. trees race by you as you sprint through and around them, a glimpse of the forest not lasting a moment. suddenly you are rebounded back. you clutch your head in pain, having run head first into a hard oakwood tree. you let out a silent whimper of pain, sliding down to the ground, back against the tree, when a shadow falls on you.

you try to back up, pushing at the ground with your hands and feet, but succeed only in ramming the back of your head against the tree, and wince. you stop scrambling for escape, and peer at the shadow. large eyes watch you curiously, brightly set apon you. a white coat, stripped with purple, pink, yellow, black and orange shimmers in the faint light of the woods. one large ear flickers, and a foxish profile on the creature in front of you emerges. front paws are really wings, you realize, sharp claws tipping them, with orange dragon wings stretched back behind her. you realize that you refer to her as a her, almost automatically now that you think of it. she gives a small smile, and speaks, her voice a purr. "Greetings, stranger. I am Gengen, or Fluffy, as you may call me." a smile, and she goes on. "Would yo like to meet Gareyi? She should be around here somewhere..." Fluffy glances around, when suddenly a pair of bright eyes peek out at you from a tree above. you blink and stare up, when another Draba steps out, younger.

she curiously tilts her head, ears perked forward. part of a black mane falls in her eyes and she smiles and gives a light toss of her head, putting it back up. she gives a light flick of her tail, and smiles at you. she speaks softly, "Hello..." then dissapears again. Fluffy stretches slightly, extending her wings to their full lengths, then back tight against her body, watching you curiously. she flips her tail, and twitches an ear, perking them both towards you. "Please return soon, stranger. For now I must go." she grins slightly. "Adventures are waiting on the horizon, remember that always." with that, she disappears into the forest. you quickly glance around, and start to follow the path again. you see the grasslands, past which is the edge of the rainforest.

Name: Gengen
Meaning: Fluffy
Specie: Draba'wyvrx
Opal: Flight and S
Gender: Female
Mutation: fox head and tail
Name:Gareyi (1nF)
Meaning:Night Eye
Specie: Draba'wyvrx
Opal:Moon & Dragoneye
Parents:Gar'v & Chibi